教育部自104年起試辦「優秀外國青年來臺蹲點計畫」(Taiwan Experience Education Program,簡稱TEEP),期許國內辦學績優大學積極發展具市場性之複合式學習方案,爭取更多先進國家或新興市場國家優秀青年來臺研習。TEEP計畫期待吸引更多優秀外國青年來臺深刻體驗我國教育、學術、產業、環境等優勢,進而可能產生更多國際聯結,建立國際口碑,除有助於我推動高等教育輸出及國際華語文研習,亦能促進國內高等教育國際化多元卓越發展,提升臺灣整體國際能見度。
TEEP (Taiwan Experience Education Program) is a first-ever innovative global exchange project of its kind initiated and promoted by the Ministry of Education (MOE) to expand Taiwan’s global outreach and impact. Southern Taiwan University of Science & Technology (STUST) is one of the nine quality higher institutions in Taiwan that were selected by the MOE from among several scores of competitors as forerunning universities to implement their respective TEEP programs in 2015.
As the first TEEP program to highlight the unique cultural and historical heritage of Tainan City, the 2015 TEEP program by STUST made an amazing case of global exchange through successful globalization of the cultural capital of Taiwan. Contextualized in the overarching framework of the Project of Promoting English as the Second Official Language by Tainan City Government(TCG), and the 10-year plan of TCG to make Tainan City a full-fledged bilingual city, the 2015 program by STUST worked hand in hand with TCG to streamline and maximize the available internal and external resources by which to further expand global outreach for TCG and STUST, and consolidate and fan out the globalization effects, creating a multiple win-win situation for the stakeholders concerned, and establishing an international reputation for Taiwan.