「認識台南英語夏令營」活動緊密連結臺南市國際化推動大框架,以古都文化景點為特色,在地美食為亮點,讓外籍生在研習與教學實習中「吃遍玩瘋台南」,深刻體驗古都特有文化氣息與風俗民情。資源整合中央、地方與外籍生,創造成果加值與擴散效應,對臺南市、業界、南臺、澳洲姊妹校與中央政府創造多贏局面(multiple win-win)。
The Experiencing Tainan English Summer Camp, a 3-week program that highlights the participants’ multi-faceted immersion into life in Tainan, Taiwan’s cultural capital, and interactions with local students during the internship process.
The summer camp features a 3-component module of activities. The first component involves learning about tourist highlights of Tainan with 25 foreign students doing the learning and then teaching local junior high students the content knowledge via initiation by STUST instructors and scaffolding by MA and undergraduate TA’s. The second component transforms the content learning into on-site experiencing and teaching practicum at the featured scenic or historical locations, with foreign students guiding local students in groups to introduce a site in English. The third component as a profound immersion measure engages the foreign students in the learning of Mandarin, Chinese calligraphy, tea making and Zen, mediating them through host families to the local life and Taiwanese culture.
(1) 特色文化課程(中文課、茶道、書法等…),驚喜又有趣!!
Learning Chinese language and culture (introducing traditional Chinese characters, tea making and Zen, and practicing calligraphy and painting)
(2) 參訪台南著名古蹟(赤崁樓、孔廟、億載金城等…),探索台灣文化首都!!
Visiting tourist attractions of Taiwanese historical heritage (Confucius Temple, Chikan Tower, Anping Old Fort, Eternal Golden Castle…) and Tainan cultural heritage (Chimei Museum, Sihcao Green Tunnel, Anping tree house, National Museum of Taiwna Literature, and Lin Mo-niang Park…)
(3) 品嚐台南傳統美食(蚵仔煎、碗粿、臭豆腐等…)!!!
Having Tainan local cusine (Oyster Omelet, Rice Pudding, Stinky Tofu, Bubble Milk Tea, Shaved Ice with Mango…).
(4) 獲得海外實習經驗,藉由實地參訪,讓外籍生帶領國中生以英語重新認識了解台南與中華歷史、文化、古蹟、美食等,對台灣留下深刻印象。
Gaining teaching English abroad experiences.The cultural activities and field trips explored in conjunction with junior high students will present participants with an in-depth understanding of Taiwan.