除了帶領國中生暑期英語嘉年華活動之外,規劃位第一階段的優秀外籍生繼續留下參與 「台南市國小英語教學實習」,包含台南市西門、和順、協進、樹林、安慶與新泰等6所小學進行深度特色英語課程教學實習。
English Teaching Internship
The Global Internship is an intensive English teaching and practical training program, featuring six elementary schools which are well known for their English learning environment establishment and prominent English teaching module design. The internship is available throughout the whole year of 2016, both short term (1~2 months) and long term (up to 4 months) internships are available for interested applicants. Students will be arranged to join the English teaching teams of those schools to gain the hands-on EFL teaching experiences with the local elementary school students.